Monday, December 6, 2010

WEEK #12

K4 got the opportunity to exercise with no equipment. We discussed how we don't really need toys & equipment to exercise. All we really need is our bodies!! So, all the games we played this week required us to just use the human body!! We played One Step Behind, Go Touch, Beep Beep Times Up, and Dog Catcher.

K5 got their Five Levels of Fitness in with a song called Jumping Jacks!! We then practiced our locomotor skills while learning how to find a partner with an activity named Find a Friend. We discussed the basic cues of rolling and played the game called Try To Hit a Turkey.
1st grade this week started class playing Number Scrabble. We then got the hula hoops out and manipulated them many different ways. To end class, the game Bumper Cars was played to continue our exercising using the hula hoop.
2nd grade began class playing a game called Monster. We then played a game called Stop, Drop, and Roll where we learned and practiced fire safety!!

3rd grade this week got the opportunity to go outside for gym because of some lucky warm weather that came to Milwaukee. We started class playing Rock, Paper, Scissor Tag. We then discussed the cues of kicking and played an activity called King & Queen of the Hill to end class.

5th grade began class using the medicine balls to improve out muscular strength & endurance. Then they got the opportunity to use the hockey sticks in a game called Monkey In the Middle.
6th grade started class playing a cardiovascular game called Chaos. We then continued our Hockey Unit by playing Monkey In the Middle.

7th & 8th grade this week started a new quarter. So, we started class going over the class expectations. We also played a get to know me activity called What's Different. We then took a pre-test and finished class playing a cardiovascular endurance activity called Poppers.


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  2. Hello, my name is Fernando Alvear Vasquez, I have 20 years old, I’m Physical Education Pedagogy student at the Universidad Católica Del Maule, located in Talca, Chile. I really enjoyed your post as it shows a lot of exercise that we can carry out with our students in the near future; the best thing is that we don’t need many resources or materials. I’m grateful to people like you that highlight their work delivering their experiences to people like me. I'm just starting in this area of physical education. Thank you so much, I leave hoping that you continue sharing its knowledge in this field, kind regards.
