Thursday, August 20, 2015

Plickers for paperless assessments!!

Why you should Plicker? Assessment made easy!!

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if all of our students had their own electronic device? If these devices aren’t available in your school then Plickers is definitely for you! What are Plickers? Plickers stands for “paper clickers.” They are 40 pre-made cards that let teachers collect real-time formative assessment data without the need for student devices. Students are given or assigned a card to hold up to answer questions given by the teacher to check for understanding. All the teacher has to do is scan the room with any IOS or Android device. Results are given instantly as to which students understand and which do not.  The results can be shown for each individual student or you can have it show the overall percentage for the class.  The pre-made cards can be found and printed off for free at http// or you can purchase a laminated set on Amazon for $20!

The benefits of Plickers:
                -They are easy to use!
                -Can be used by any IOS or Android device (phone or tablet).
                -It’s a totally free APP.
                -It’s a great way to infuse technology into your program.
                -It’s quick and doesn’t use any paper.
                -It’s graded instantly! –No grading at home! J
                -You can plan questions ahead of time or on the fly.
-Can be used for pre-assessments, checks for understanding, polls, class surveys, and exit tickets.
                -Can print a free set on

For great tutorials of how to set up and use Plickers go to:

For Number 4, scroll down to Plicker Visual Questions on the left side menu. This one has pre-made assessments.

Visit my website: PE-4-Kids--- Movement Matters!
See you on Twitter at @PEberingmx!


P.E. Professional Development?
Try Twitter!

Finding professional development for the Physical Education professional can be difficult. When I first started teaching Physical Education over 16 years ago, all I had was books, district colleagues, and local workshops. Today the internet has made it easier than ever before to improve your teaching. However, YOU have to want to improve your craft!  The internet has allowed us to collaborate with other P.E. Specialists like never before. We can now find fellow P.E. professionals not just in our district, state, and nation, but we can also reach out globally with the use of social media. Give Twitter a try!

If you’re anything like me, you’re skeptical. You’re probably thinking how can twitter help me get new ideas on lesson planning, assessments, integration, classroom management, etc. Well it certainly can! Twitter has a huge online P.E. community. Start slow and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Here’s what I feel are the 3 steps to getting started and connecting with the passionate online P.E. professional community from all over the world through the use of twitter!

Step 1: Watch or read one of these short twitter tutorials on how to get started and create an account. Need a reason why? Video by Joey Feith
Step 2: Connect with these awesome P.E. twitter professionals                

Step 3: Start tweeting!! See you on twitter at @PEberingmx!!