5 Skill-Based Floor Hockey Games

Gates & Gate Keepers
Gates is a great activity for floor hockey stick handling skills, especially dribbling skills. First, place 10 to 15 sets of cones scattered throughout the gymnasium creating hockey goals. Second, hand each student a hockey stick. Third, set a time limit and challenge the students to see how many gates they can dribble their puck through during a predetermined time. Have them use hockey pucks, then coated-foam balls, and then whiffle balls. Check out a video example by Craig Bleess!
Gate Keepers is an extension of Gates. Keep the setup the same, but now have half of the class become goalies and protect the gates (goals). Set a time limited and allow them to see how many goals they can make until the time is up. Then have the students switch roles. Again, start with hockey pucks, then coated-foam balls, and then whiffle balls. Check out a video example by Craig Bleess!
Pirate Floor Hockey
This activity is an excellent hockey activity to practice stick handling and dribbling. Start by giving every student a puck (treasure/gold) and a hockey stick. Then have a few students put their pucks away so they can be the pirates. The pirate’s job is to try to “steal” a puck from someone who has one. If a pirate steals a puck, he/she gets to keep it and the person who lost it is now a pirate. The goal is to end the game without becoming a pirate. Again, have them use a hockey puck, then a coated-foam ball, and then a whiffle ball. Checkout this video example from Traci Behnke!
“M” Floor Hockey
This hockey activity is a fantastic way to have students practice their puck dribbling, striking, and passing skills. First, set-up 4 M formations using poly spots. I usually have one M formation set up in each quadrant of my gym. Then divide your class into 4 equal groups. Have the students work through the M shaped pattern on the gym floor using their hockey passing skills. The students will pass and then follow their pass to the next poly spot. It will take 4 passes until they get to the end of the M shaped formation. When this happens, they will attempt a shot on the goal at the end of the pattern. Checkout this video example from Tim Misavage!
Floor Hockey Mania
Dribbling and stick handling are the two main hockey skills used in this activity. The object of this floor hockey game is to collect as many pucks as you can before the time is up.
To play, divide your class in half and have students partner up. Arrange students so that the same number of teams are on each baseline. Place a cone about 3 feet in front of the baseline. Then place all the pucks that you have down the middle of the gymnasium.
On the signal, the first person on each team runs out with his/her hockey stick to get a puck. The player dribbles it back to the cone that is 3 feet in front of his/her team and dribble around it. When finished, the next person on the team takes a turn. This keeps going until all the pucks in the middle are gone. When this happens, each team can then run across the gym and take a puck from a team and dribble it back to their team. Have the students continue until the time is up. Then have all the teams add up their points. You can also use coated-foam balls and whiffle balls, which could be worth different point values. Here is a video example from Greg Schmitz
Floor Hockey Knockout
This activity comes from the popular basketball dribbling activity called Dribble Knockout. To start, give every student in class a hockey stick and a puck. On the signal, students have to keep control of their puck and try to knock someone else’s puck away. If they knock someone else’s puck away, that student has to do an exercise to return to the game. Or you can have the winner do an exercise to celebrate his/her win. This video from Traci Behnke gives a great example.
I hope your students enjoy these activities as much as my students do.
Very nice
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