Sunday, June 13, 2010

WEEK #34

K4 this week practiced their locomotor skills with an activity called High Five. We then learned and practiced our chasing and fleeing skills with an activity called Dog Catcher.
1st & 2nd grade this week went outside to practice and learn some foot skills. Our five levels of fitness warm-up was called Math War!!  We then went over the skill of punting and had an opprtunity to practice this skill. To end class, we played a game called Bombs Away. Here we used the the skill of kicking to try to score as many goals as possible. The students had a great time with this activity.

4th grade this week got to use the Power Walk Bands for the first time. The class did an 18 minute workout concentrating on improving our muscular strength and muscular endurance. To end class, we played an activity called Battleball. The activity works on hand-eye coordination, teamwork, and cardiovascular endurance.

5th thru 8th grade started class this week with some foot skill fitness activities. We practiced dribbling, kicking, passing, and trapping a ball (foot skills). We ended class playing a fantastic foot skill activity called Poison Ball and Cone Knockdown.

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